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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bible Scriptures to Help Lose Weight - Divine Inspiration For Weight Issues

As more and more people are struggling to lose weight they are turning towards spirituality to guide them to their destination. The Bible is filled with verses on every emotion that human beings face. This also includes Bible scriptures to help lose weight. Let's take a brief look on the verses available and see what God says on health and fitness.


The Bible has been written and compiled by multiple authors that spanned over thousands of years in the making. Each book was written from different points of views and at different times in history. The theme that is constant is that in every book there is inspiration to humans from their Divine Maker. This includes hope in every situation where there is some type of despair. For many this will include the despair from being overweight.

Godly Words of Wisdom for Weight

Countless references have been made in the Bible regarding respect for the body and this includes being at a suitable weight and maintaining good conditioning of the body. Among the Bible scriptures to help lose weight these are three of my favorites.

1. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess." Matthew 23:25

2. "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

3. "First and foremost, we are not to satisfy our selfish and harmful appetites but rather use our bodies to bring glory to God." 1 Cor. 6:19-20

God's Call For Temperance

When it comes to the Bible and God's call for your body, the common trend is the need for temperance and restraint. Due not over indulge in your food and become a glutton. Gluttony is directly spoken of as one of the seven deadly sins. It applies to all aspects of life but for intended purposes we can see how it would especially apply to the control of your food. It does not honor God for you to make waste of the body that He has given you. It is because of this that the authors chose to include Bible scriptures with regards to weight and appearance.

In Conclusion

People are seeing the Bible and God's word are an excellent source for motivation when it comes controlling their food and maintaining their bodies. There are many Bible scriptures to help lose weight and help inspire people when motivation is running low.

CJ Henderson is a veteran of four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a Staff Sergeant in the USMC, his first obligation was to ensure his troops were "combat ready" any time... day or night. To find more about CJ see The Fitness Ace

To ensure you fitness is at the top, and your weight is at the bottom see The Belly Cure

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