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Monday, November 29, 2010

How Is Weight Loss Related to Reducing Everyday Toxins?

Weight Loss is big business. There are hundreds of programs and products available all approaching the problem of weight loss from somewhat different angles. You can either eat no carbohydrates or have protein shakes or drink a special lemon formula. One approach I have come across which made a lot of sense to me, and was a somewhat different approach, is the "Clean and Lean Diet". Many people have now discovered this method and used it to achieve a lean and healthy body.

The basic concept of the method is this - the reason the body holds onto the fat that is hanging off your stomach, thighs, buttocks and hips is because toxins are stored in that fat. In the process of modern living we are subjected to toxins every day. Our food is full of artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. The air is polluted. The skin care and personal care products you use such as toothpaste, hair care products and cosmetics contain harmful chemicals. If you get your hair coloured at a salon there are harmful chemicals used. Our drinking water contains unwanted pollutants including fluoride. It's difficult not to be exposed to toxins every day.

In addition to that people pour toxins into their bodies for social reasons, such as alcohol, tobacco and sometimes illicit drugs. And then there are the myriad of pharmaceutical products, both prescription and non-prescription that the body has to cope with.

Some of these toxins are processed by the body and removed. The liver and the kidneys are responsible for cleansing the system and toxins can be passed out of the body in the stools, urine and also sweat. But the body often cannot cope with the multitude of toxins presented to it and many of these toxins are stored in the fatty tissues. This then stores around the waist and buttocks - usually around the mid-section. And we can't figure out why no matter how little we eat, we can't get rid of that bulge.

The first step is to limit the amount of toxins entering the system. When you start to do this you will experience symptoms of detoxification - headaches, extreme tiredness and other symptoms. But these will pass. The first priority is to stop the alcohol and cigarettes, easier said than done. Limit the amount of unnecessary medication such as headache or sleeping tablets. These are some of the most toxic substances.

Coffee is the next one. Do not drink instant coffee. It is very low quality no matter how much you've paid for it. Your best option is organic coffee that is freshly made. It's not hard to source organic coffee. Some coffees are not certified organic but are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilisers. You may need to do some research.

While doing this you need to drink lots of water. Drink a minimum of 2 litres a day. This will help the kidneys flush out toxins. You can also squeeze some lemon into the water and it helps the liver. You should also have a good quality water filter, otherwise it defeats the purpose.

As for the toxins present in your food, the best option is to eat fresh food and not processed food. This is the only way to ensure that you are getting clean food. And the produce needs to be fresh and preferably organic.

If you can take at least some of these steps it will start you on the road to better health and a better looking body.

View the original article here

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