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Monday, November 29, 2010

Huge Chocolate Christmas Tree Created in France


Christmas: traditionally a time for festive decorations, and festive gluttony. Both have been combined by Patrick Roger, a French chocolatier, who has created a ten-meter (32-foot) Christmas tree... made out of chocolate.

The tree took a month to create and weighs four tons.

Mr Roger spoke of the difficulties involved, and said:

To achieve this kind of architecture - because this really is a piece of architecture - we used a sort of cavity inside to make the chocolate solid enough, because there is very strong vertical pressure.

The tree will be dismantled and given away in return for donations during France's Telethon (a charity event supporting neuromuscular disease research), which runs on December 3rd and 4th.

With four thousand kilos of chocolate, the giant tree contains over 20 million calories - that's over 25 years' worth of calories for an average person.

Image: The Telegraph's video

View the original article here

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