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Monday, November 29, 2010

Link Time! Leftover Turkey, Fast Food Exposed and More


Many Americans are starting the week with mega amounts of leftover turkey and getting back on the diet wagon.

If you struggle with not letting all that turkey go to waste, here's a few healthy leftover turkey recipes that will make all that turkey disappear as well as help remedy the extra pounds you may have put on over the long weekend.

Speaking of recipes, I found a cool site called that not only gives written instructions on how to make great tasting recipes, but takes the process one step further by showing pictures of each step. This is great for the many who are culinary challenged.

Are you often enticed by fast food commercials that show wonderful looking burgers and food, only to be greatly disappointed when you actually purchase said food? Photographer, Jon Feinstein, has been documenting what fast food really looks like. If the food photographed was used in fast food ads, they would all go out of business pretty quickly.

Finally this week, if you ever wanted to know exactly what it takes or how long it takes to achieve those infamous six pack abs, check out This guy has been documenting each day in the process. It looks he's now on Day 25, go figure....

View the original article here

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