Sarah Palin, ex-beauty queen and avid caribou hunter, hates big government. So, the "hockey mom" is mounting a revolution... with cookies.
As First Lady Michelle Obama goes around advocating more fruits and vegetables in public schools, Sarah Palin is visiting schools to pass out cookies.
Michelle is fronting a plan by the United States Surgeon General to improve cafeteria food, push physical education, and to bring more supermarkets to low-income communities.
But Sarah Palin has other ideas. Earlier this month, "Mama Grizzly" stopped by a school in Pennsylvania with dozens of cookies, a gesture obviously in protest to Michelle Obama's campaign for better nutrition.
"Who should be making the decisions what you eat and school choice and everything else?" Palin asked the students. "Should it be government, or should it be the parents?"
This is so silly. If Sarah Palin wants to drop by a school and hand out cookies, that's cool. I hated school, so a free cookie would have brightened up my day. But to make it some sort of political statement is dumb.
Pressuring schools to improve food is not a "political battleground." It's a no-brainer. People should be happy government is finally addressing an issue it has a decent chance of fixing.
But listen, this whole idea of "let the parents decide" isn't working. American kids are fat and getting fatter. So, either our children are a bunch of cement heads, or we have lazy parents who are too busy voting for Dancing With the Stars to teach their kids good eating habits. I say the parents stink.
Now I'm not suggesting the federal government tell you what you can and cannot eat in your own home. That's an idiotic notion. But, if a public school says no to junk food, like cookies, then that's the rule, period.
Reforming school lunch is not an attack on civil liberties. It's about healthier kids. But if you think it's un-American for your child to eat lunch without cookies, then pack them some.
Image credit: Ohio River
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