I'm the BBC's media correspondent and this is my brief selection of what's going on.
The NUJ has called off a 48-hour strike at the BBC planned for next Monday and Tuesday over proposed pension scheme changes. The BBC welcomed the NUJ's move and said it was willing to give "greater clarity about how the pension reform package will work" but said the offer would not be changed as reported on the BBC website.
The NUJ has called off a 48-hour strike at the BBC planned for next Monday and Tuesday. The Guardian says peace talks are expected to take place between union representatives and BBC management in the next fortnight, after executives said they would "clarify" proposed changes to the pension plan.
One of the male presenters hired by BBC's Countryfile did not meet the criteria which saw three middle-aged women forced out of their jobs, according to the Daily Telegraph's report of the Miriam O'Reilly industrial tribunal.
The BBC reports that a Conservative Birmingham City councillor has been arrested over allegations that he called on Twitter for a female writer to be stoned to death. Later, he wrote on Twitter: "I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Radio 5. I [apologise] for any offence caused, it was wholly unintentional."
The Sun's Leigh Holmwood undergoes a bushtucker trial, as the publicity for I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here begins.
According to the Independent Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 is "the scariest Potter yet" but has attracted mixed reviews from the film critics.
Emma Watson is pictured on most of the front pages at last night's premiere of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 reports the Daily Telegraph.
"Bold and principled" is how The Daily Telegraph describes the welfare changes proposed by the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. But The Daily Mirror says they are the "harshest benefits rules ever devised" says the BBC newspapers review.
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